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- /*
- * KAsteroids - Copyright (c) Martin R. Jones 1997
- *
- * Part of the KDE project
- */
- #ifndef __KAST_TOPLEVEL_H__
- #define __KAST_TOPLEVEL_H__
- #include <qmainwindow.h>
- #include <qdict.h>
- #include <qmap.h>
- #include "view.h"
- class KALedMeter;
- class QLCDNumber;
- class KAstTopLevel : public QMainWindow
- {
- public:
- KAstTopLevel( QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0 );
- virtual ~KAstTopLevel();
- private:
- void playSound( const char *snd );
- void readSoundMapping();
- void doStats();
- protected:
- virtual void showEvent( QShowEvent * );
- virtual void hideEvent( QHideEvent * );
- virtual void keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent *event );
- virtual void keyReleaseEvent( QKeyEvent *event );
- private slots:
- void slotNewGame();
- void slotShipKilled();
- void slotRockHit( int size );
- void slotRocksRemoved();
- void slotUpdateVitals();
- private:
- KAsteroidsView *view;
- QLCDNumber *scoreLCD;
- QLCDNumber *levelLCD;
- QLCDNumber *shipsLCD;
- QLCDNumber *teleportsLCD;
- // QLCDNumber *bombsLCD;
- QLCDNumber *brakesLCD;
- QLCDNumber *shieldLCD;
- QLCDNumber *shootLCD;
- KALedMeter *powerMeter;
- bool sound;
- QDict<QString> soundDict;
- // waiting for user to press Enter to launch a ship
- bool waitShip;
- bool isPaused;
- int shipsRemain;
- int score;
- int level;
- bool showHiscores;
- enum Action { Launch, Thrust, RotateLeft, RotateRight, Shoot, Teleport,
- Brake, Shield, Pause, NewGame };
- QMap<int,Action> actions;
- };
- #endif